Boolprop Olympic Challenge: Final Hurdle

Emmalou Marshin is taking on the Final Hurdle in the Boolprop Olympic Challenge.  Her goal is to harvest and then use the produce packing station to make 100 crates of eggplants.

Not only does she have to do that, but she has to complete her aspiration, top her career, and raise a family.  Since I am going for the Pride flair on Boolprop, Emmalou is looking for one lucky lady to share her life with.

Emmalou ran out of money building the house, because she bought a huge ass lot.

She dug up enough junk to be able to go buy a new outfit.

Then she started the wifey hunt.

With no luck.

Pisces.  5/3/7/6/9
Top the Science career.

At home she continues to dig so she can afford to finish the greenhouse.

A day or so later, she was out on the prowl and befriended, Ramon.  He happily turned her into a witch.

Mac n’ Cheese for dinner.

Emmalout bought the lot across the street from my Simself.

Down the street is her mother’s house from the Marshin TPC, which just got completed the other day.

She can now afford to fertilize all 100 plots.  She ends up with a silver badge fairly quickly, but it still took her two days to finish.

Above is her aunt Henrietta over for a visit.  Below, her not-brother, Xabat just walked right into the house to use her shower.  He is her step-father, Luke’s, alien baby.

Yay, finally.

There she goes with her eggplants!  I hope it’s enough.

All done.  It took 2.5 days to plant them all.

Sprinklers may have been forgotten.  She also has $0.  So, she spends many hours to buy this many.  Then she had to go to work.

After work, she spends her earnings on more sprinklers.  Then she dug up two of these.  YAY!

She paid the matchmaker at the pool $5k and this is who showed up.  We learned she is poor, so we let her go on her way.  We’ll keep her on the back burner just in case since this is a 3 bolt attraction.

Since watching crops grow is boring, Emmalou grabs a passing Christy Inada.  She says she’s rich, so Emmalou locks her down.

She moved in with $10k, but more importantly, she’s level 8 in her career.  She just needs to skill up now.

Now we start with getting every bad chance card in the game.  Here is the first.  She was able to immediately walk back to work to get her level back.

Emmalou wanted a baby.  So, she got knocked up.

They both wanted the engagement and then they both rolled to get married during a dream date.

Freaking chance cards!  Christy excels in her job.

The first and only good chance card outcome.

After her promotion, Emmalou immediately flies back to work.

I don’t know how long it takes for eggplants to mature, but it’s finally time for harvesting!

She topped her career and completed her aspiration!  She immediately hits the energizer.

Because there is two-three days of harvesting to do.  Alone.

Christy moved over to her aspiration career and finally got a promotion.

It’s slow going.  She is barely at the 40 plot mark because the baby we forgot about became a toddler.

Meet the screaming Petunia.  Emmalou has rolled zero wants for her.

Christy:  I guess it’s up to me to make sure you age up good.

This is a lie.  She’s addicted to the telescope and I randomly caught her playing with Petunia.

This is seriously taking forever.  Christy came out to fix all the broken sprinklers.

If my math is correct, this is not enough for 100 crates.  I’m guessing it’s 10 eggplants per crate?  I think I need 1000 eggplants.

Then I heard a chime.  I was kinda of perplexed because Emmalou is at the packing station.

She has a new want for a baby.  Then I see she got abducted.

Sigh.  We need more eggplants.

Emmalou only did 50 plots this time.

Looks like we have a baby coming!

Petunia ages up at the wrong time.  She slept through her birthday the previous night.

Emmalou wants to max out 7 skills, so she ended up just getting a random uni job.

She finally interacts with her child and teaches her to study.

She was abducted again.

Quit fake worrying.  You know you had a want to see her get abducted.

No promotions were happening and it was because they lost all their friends from neglect.  Emmalou calls a couple of people.

Until it was too late to be calling.

You can’t be serious!  You JUST gave birth a few hours ago.
Petunia:  Looks like I’m getting another sibling, Uncle Xabat.

The first alien baby was a boy named Zadoc.  Emmalou wowed us with her promotion and then got demoted.  Petunia is doing good at school.  Christy is earning the money to keep her aliens fed.

Zadoc becomes a toddler.

And Emmalou maxes all 7 skills.

Petunia finally gets stuff to play with.

Sprinklers are broken yet again.  Emmalou had a random want to buy orchard trees.  So, now we have to worry about trees.

It’s finally harvesting time again!

Oops.  Walls down.  But yay for harvesting.

Fingers crossed!

We interrupt the harvesting for birth.  Welcome a little girl named Tempest.

There it is!  100 crates of eggplants.

Popularity – 20 simultaneous best friends
Pisces – 5/1/9/7/9

Zadoc becomes a child.
Sagittarius – 2/10/10/10/3

Tempest becomes a toddler.


+100 – reaching the final hurdle.
+30 – Completing aspiration (first time only)
+10 – Topping career.
+40 – Abduction children (2×20)
+ 20 – Completing the challenge in one generation.
+ 70 For each skill your sims maxes (maxed all).
+ 90 For every $15,000 in your family fund at the end of the challenge
– they ended with $90,379 (cash on hand.  Did not calculate total net worth) for a total of 6.  6×15=90.
+ 10 Story Share

Total Points: 370

No points for birthdays, family gallery, or aging children to adult.

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