
Pacific Avenue, North Carolina Avenue & Pennsylvania Avenue (US) / Regent Street, Oxford Street & Bond Street (UK)
Generation 7: Green

  • In Operation, the goal is to remove several ailing body parts from a patient, and to do it with more skill than your opponents.
    ~ Your sim must reach the top of the Medical AND Science career tracks.
    ~ And once they’ve been turned to the ‘Mad Scientist’ side… that’s when they start wanting to remove MORE than just the ailing body parts, and from more than just their own patients. Luckily, you know just the sort of sim that will be no worse for wear when repeatedly cut open, disassembled, and put back together again. A zombie!
    Your sim must somehow procure a zombie, and then… well, they can do whatever they like with it.
  • You must ‘collect’ five items/tasks from the Operation board (must be done by the heir unless otherwise specified).
    ~ Adam’s Apple – plant an apple tree and harvest the fruit at least once.
    ~ Wrenched Ankle – max handiness skill and upgrade 10 objects
    ~ Butterflies in Stomach – catch and keep 25 butterflies (may enlist help from the family)
    ~ Writer’s Cramp – write one best-selling novel.
    ~ Wish Bone – must use both the “Vial of Bottled Genie” and “Wish Enhancing Serum” elixirs (these do NOT have to be made by the heir; may be purchased from the elixir store or made by another sim in the household – heir must USE them, however)
  • OPTIONAL: Community Chest card!
    Roll a 6-sided die (or use a random number generator).
    If the result is EVEN, the family must invest 75,000 in businesses around town.
    If the result is ODD, the family must purchase the F-Class Hunter-Killer (a fighter jet statue) for 75,000. This may NOT be sold.
    (must be completed before the gen 8 heir reaches YA)

TAKE A RIDE ON THE SHORT LINE (Liverpool Street Station) – You must move your family into a new home.