Dumpster Diving with Raspberry Rose

It’s time to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2021!  Of course, we will be doing this in Boolprop style with the Dumpster Diver Challenge.  I chose this because it’s super fast. 

You can find my first one over here with Xander Clavell.  This time I will be using Raspberry Rose Tart.  At some point, she will birth children when this is over and the child I choose will go on to do the Board Game Challenge.

I will be doing this with Raspberry Rose Tart.
Traits: Loner, Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Gatherer, and Animal Lover (I didn’t realize she had a freaking cat when I moved her in from the library file).
LTW:  The Zoologist
Likes:  Kids music, PB&J, Lilac

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I didn’t realize it, but her library file had Rainbow Tart with her.  Like we need to make this more difficult, right?

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