Easter ’22: Chapter 2

We’re back for the second installment of the Easter ’22 Challenge.  Raspberry Rose Tart is now a Full adult, knows almost everyone in town, and hits up a party at least five times a week.  Other than that, all she does is garden.

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We start off with RRT at a party.  She read a book and then went home.

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Remember that harvester that she found after two weeks of looking?  Well Rodney wanted it for an opportunity and she decided to go for it.

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She also has been spending time with a local stray cat.  She later died of old age.

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Another day, another opportunity.  House expansion time!

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The top floor is now a gym.

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It takes forever to get through the crops.

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Raspberry was at another opportunity and she cancelled it out because she “Witnessed a Betrayal” through a freaking wall and had to go yell at the girl.

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Chuck has a party and gives Raspberry flowers.  We are totally not going there when it stated that she found out he was in a relationship.  She bailed.

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We gutted the garden and now she is only planting and tending things that bring in a decent price.  Garlic, life fruit, flame fruit, ghost peppers, and I think she has two money trees.

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She makes her weekly call.

Raspberry:  I am so not interested in kids.

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Starting over is hard, but they are growing

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I have on clue who called this time, but it was better than watching crops grow.

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Some time in the future.  She is able to work on harvesting again.  She is bringing in roughly $9,000 a day.  $2,000 is coming from money trees.

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She went to a party, but got bored.  She stopped off to sell her produce and hit up the coffee shop for dinner.

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Then it was off to find a harvester and consign her cheese.  She could sell them from her inventory at $22 a pop.  Consigning it consistently goes between $26 and $34.

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She hit a party, but after reading a book, she went home.

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She is raking in the dough now.

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The money trees are dropping seeds and so we get those planted fast.

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This is blow up #10.

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Woot!  Finally found another harvester.

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That’s one way to get away from potions and gardening.

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Woo!  New best amount!  It’s been stuck at $25k for about 7 days.

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She hardly leaves this thing anymore.

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She is consigning cheese and looking for elixirs.

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Still going.

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She got Super Green Thumb back in the day when she completed her LTW.  She has now saved up for the moodlet manager.  It literally took her whole damn life since she is limited on what she is able to do for LTH points.

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At least she doesn’t get knocked up.

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Omg finally.  I am not even waiting for the end of her life.  I’m liable to die of boredom.

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Gnome:  I piss on your potion collection!

..and yes.  She did complete the collection and bought some random elixir.  I can’t remember what it is for the life of me.  Probably the procreation elixir or something.

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I forgot it was her birthday.

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Elder Raspberry!

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Jeffrey:  You’re kinda hot for an old lady.

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Her first romantic want does lead to her very first kiss.

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Raspberry:  Let’s lock this in before story progression gives you four love interests, a wife, and a boyfriend.

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Raspberry:  Oops.

When the Moodlet Manager goes wrong.

Lot Value: $453,779
CoH: $242,578
Net Worth: $696,357

TS3 2022-04-11 16-09-06

All that math and I could have just looked at this want that has been here for 25 years.

The end of the Single Generation Challenge

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